Common Misconceptions About Marketing Automation

When running a business, there are many things to consider. The main issue to worry about is whether or not the product or service you’re offering is actually hitting your audiences’ pain points and providing a solution.

Another crucial factor to consider is whether you’re conveying your brand’s value offer to your target market. As such, you need to amplify your digital efforts, such as optimizing your website with quality Windows VPS hosting services and using the right marketing automation platform among others.

However, one of the most important things consider is marketing.

Marketing has changed a lot over the years and recently, marketing automation has been at the forefront of these changes. A marketing automation software aims to make marketing easier and more effective for companies, especially when it comes to marketing on multiple channels and making repetitive tasks become automated.

However, with how new and confusing marketing automation might be for some people, there have been a lot of misconceptions and myths about marketing automation that have clouded the minds of many. With that mind, this article is going to look at some of the most common misconceptions and myths about marketing automation.

1. It’s Only For Email Marketing

Those who aren’t very well versed or knowledgeable about marketing automation are often under the impression that it is only relevant for email marketing. Of course, this isn’t the case at all. While automation is incredible for email marketing, it is far from the only use. Social media, lead generation, SMS marketing, contact management, online surveys, and even landing pages can all benefit from marketing automation.

Many people think marketing automation and spam emails go hand in hand, which is where this myth and misconception could have come from. However, as you read and learn more about the advancements and innovations, you will be able to clearly see the benefits in other areas of marketing, in addition to emails.

2. Automation Means Creating Less Content

When people think about automation, they might think that it entails messages being sent out and running by themselves, without any input. This may lead people to believe that less work and content is required by your company as automation will take care of it. However, the opposite is actually true. You’ll need more targeted content to send out, so you will actually require more content if you automate.

However, content can easily be repurposed and refined to be able to use on a different platform or to target a different group of people. This will prevent you from having to panic if you are able to create enough content. So while automation makes it easier to send out your content in a variety of different ways, it doesn’t eliminate the need to create a lot of content.

3. It is Simply Too Expensive For My Company

There is no way around it, the pricing of marketing automation is relatively expensive. It provides companies with a ton of benefits, so it only makes sense that it comes with a cost. Unfortunately, it is this relatively high cost that might turn some people off of market automation. However, it shouldn’t, as you should look at marketing automation as an investment into your company, and not a cost.

This investment in marketing automation can have several real and measurable benefits for your company. In addition to simply helping your businesses marketing work more efficiently, this software and processes can pay for themselves very quickly by driving more revenue via relevant emails and can also help you generate many more leads. The costs can vary from company to company, but if you have room in the budget, marketing automation is a solid investment.

4. It is Just for Marketers

Because of the fact it is called “marketing” automation, many people think that marketing automation is just for marketers. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The fact is, marketing automation looks to facilitate the entire journey of a potential customer, from the first time you make a connection, so when they make a purchase of your product or service.

In particular, marketing automation can actually be incredibly helpful for your sales team. This is because marketing automation can help see what people are clicking, downloading and reading, and help them get alerts when hot leads are engaging. When marketing teams and sales teams are working together and are on the same page, the marketing automation software is probably doing its job.

In conclusion, Marketing automation can save your company plenty of time and money by making marketing efforts much more effective and efficient.