The “must know” of making your email marketing campaign mobile responsive

Two simple tools will upgrade your mobile email marketing – anchor links and call links.

Smartphones are quickly taking over every aspect of our lives. Email marketers that fail to keep up with this new trend will end up losing a lot of leads. Wise marketers have learned to adjust their content and campaigns to this new reality.

email marketing campaign mobile responsive

There is a whole panoply of tools designed to help you make the transition to mobile responsive content and design, including advanced analytical tools and designs specifically intended for mobile displays. However, one important consideration is often neglected – the correct use of links for mobile.

Links to your website, landing page or an email address are obvious, but there are two more links worth mentioning regarding mobile – anchor links and call links.

Anchor your campaign

No matter how short you manage to make your newsletter or landing page, it will always seem long on mobile displays, which are much narrower and contain less characters per line. Don’t worry, responsive systems know how to automatically adjust your text to any display size, making sure your newsletters looks great.

But what happens when you have just one call to action button and you want it to be located at the bottom of the page?

Take a look at the following example: “Native” created a great, but quite long newsletter, with the call to action button at the bottom – shouldn’t they have added an anchor link?


The reader is forced to scroll all the way down, and sometimes loses interest on the way down. Anchor links are designed to prevent just that.

Anchor links allow you to lead your readers to specific locations on your landing page or newsletter.

Why are anchor links a must?

  • Create a table of contents in the header that displays at the top of the newsletter or landing page: secondary titles that lead the reader directly to the content, even if it’s at the bottom of the page.
  • Instead of placing the sign up form at the top, where it consumes valuable space, create a “Sign Up” button that takes readers to the bottom of the page.
  • Long newsletters can include “Back to top” links that bring readers back to the beginning of the newsletter.

Quick-dial, directly from your campaign

Many email marketing campaigns include a phone number that leads to sales, customer support, or technical support. When creating mobile responsive campaigns, make your customers’ lives easier by including a call link that they can use right from your campaign.

Think how much trouble you’re saving for your clients who have to write down your number and then feed it back into their phone. Instead, ActiveTrail allows you to add a call link to text and even images, one click on the link and the smartphone will automatically recognize the phone number and offer to connect the call.

Make sure readers are aware that the link exists or they won’t click it, especially if the link is displayed on images or text that isn’t the number itself.

A bonus for link users: Triggers

Triggers are actions that are automatically carried out by the system when a user clicks a certain link. It’s an automatic service that you only have to specify once, and the system will carry out your marketing requests with all new users.

When a reader clicks on a “triggered” link, the system can perform any of the following actions:

  • Add the user to a specific recipients list.
  • Delete users from a specific recipients list.
  • Send out another campaign to that user.
  • Update personal information.
  • Send the user’s information to a specified email address.
  • Delete users from all recipient lists.
  • Add the user to the “Do not send” group.

For example, add a trigger to a landing page containing a call link so that every client clicking on the call link will receive an email 24 hours after clicking it, which contains a survey regarding the quality of service received.

Mobile responsiveness is great

Email marketing platforms are constantly evolving; keep up by adjusting your marketing efforts, otherwise, you’ll find yourself lagging stuck behind.

.When creating newsletters and landing pages, make sure you understand everything the system has to offer regarding responsiveness and stay up to date with new developments.

Learn about campaigns on mobile devices and how to display images in your newsletter.