5 B2B email marketing strategies
There are lots of clever strategies to use your B2B marketing emails to best effect. Here are a few quick ideas for B2B email marketing strategies that could boost your readership and increase your conversion rate.
1. The product training email series
You can keep your product on your customers’ minds with a product training series. Often, this begins with a free trial of a product or service, followed up by daily or weekly emails informing the customer on how to get the best out of the product. At the end of the series, the customer is already fully informed about your product or service and its benefits have been reinforced for days. Now you can begin up-selling some premium services or additional products.
2. Product discussion lists
Allow interaction between your staff, your customers and other customers through the concurrent use of a discussion forum and email updates. Discussions between customers breed answers to frequently asked questions, and make businesses feel like an important part of the design and implementation of your products or services. Use email to update customers on the most active discussions of the week. Make the discussion area exclusive and password protected for business customers to make them feel more valued.
3. Want more information by email?
On each of your website pages, add a way for customers to receive more information about the product or special offer via email. This is an easy way to build up your marketing email and newsletter list, and allows you to begin a personalized email marketing campaign based on the customer’s interests.
4. Sequenced communications
Consider email marketing as part of your efforts to turn a prospect into a long-term customer. The client will begin as a stranger to your product and your company, and you should make efforts to ensure the tone of your emails are designed to build trust. For example, if they request information on a product but don’t follow through on the purchase, you could send a dedicated, polite automated email sender a few weeks later asking if they require any more information on it – but don’t inundate them with emails they don’t want.
5. Offer value
Your emails are much more likely to be read if they know that your emails offer them something of use. This usually take the form of educating the reader about the field you are in. You could make your newsletter not just about your products and services – include news and informative articles that will educate and entertain.
ActiveTrail allows you to perform smart B2B email marketing that builds trust, grows your mailing list, informs customers, offers value and ultimately increases your conversion rate. Think about what type of email marketing strategies would work best for your business and its customers, and implement today!
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