Drive conversions with ActiveTrail’s indispensable tools for email marketing

There’s a reason that marketers consider email marketing to be their no.1 ace in the hole, and that’s its higher conversion rate over other channels. Email marketing performs significantly better on converting those all-important customers than marketing channels such as social media does.

Why is this?

tools for email marketing

1. Email is professional

Social media is considered by users to be less serious and businesslike than email. Other channels do have their place in marketing, and some businesses do use social media to transact business, but overall, email is the medium of choice for day-to-day business transactions.

Email is considered professional and private, social media is not. Couple this with one of the most effective tools for email marketing – ActiveTrail’s mobile-friendly, expertly designed email newsletter templates – and your transactions are much more likely to convert.

2. Email is personal

Users now have multiple inboxes to keep an eye on – their Twitter feed, direct messages, Facebook messenger, for example, but most people still consider their email inbox as their ultimate inbox. This goes so far that other media channels will forward updates to users’ email inboxes reminding them that they have messages to view!

This works in our favor when emails arrive in customers’ email inboxes – our message is already in their personal space and thus trusted more. This makes for a significantly higher conversion percentage, especially if you pair it with automated email sender personalization like ActiveTrail’s ActivePersonalization.

3. Emails get read

Because emails end up in a customer’s personal inbox, they are simply more likely to be read than marketing through other channels like social media.

Emails sit there patiently waiting for the customer to get around to reading them, whereas Facebook and Twitter posts are quickly ignored or missed.

4. Email has the numbers

Email has over 3 billion user accounts in use. This is more than all the major social media platforms combined. Email is one of the most effective tools in that it’s one of the most pervasive mediums out there, and you’re going to be able to reach the right customers ready to convert all the easier when you use email marketing campaign.

Those who know that quantity does not beat quality when it comes to leads should know that email also drives a higher quality of traffic than social media.

5. Customers expect marketing emails

When in a social media space, we are not expecting to be marketed at. When on Facebook, we are there to chat and to interact, not to buy products or read advertising. Emails selling products or services while offering value are completely accepted by users.  When browsing our inbox, we are expecting to read offers, ideas, promotions and opportunities, and we are less likely to reject them as being unsolicited.

Are you focusing enough effort on your email marketing channel? Use ActiveTrail’s email marketing tools, including the advanced email campaign analysis tools to evaluate your marketing campaigns, and you’ll be on the right path to boost your conversions.

Join ActiveTrail and start using ActiveTrail’s best tools for email marketing!