Email open rates – Nearly 100% deliverability

What is the most important thing to consider when sending out a newsletter? Is it the content of the newsletter? Is it the design?

Neither of those things are important if your newsletter doesn’t even reach its destination. You can work day and night on the design and content of your newsletter and create the perfect one that will grab your customer’s attention and promise you the best results but if the email open rate is low, no one will ever see your newsletter.

The most important thing to consider when sending newsletters is, without a doubt, email deliverability.

Email deliverability is the percentage of emails that will be seen by your recipients. If your newsletter makes its way straight from your office to the spam folder in your customer’s email client then your email isn’t very likely to be opened and you have wasted an email and lost a potential client.

Our solution – at ActiveTrail we offer nearly 100% deliverability rate!

Thanks to a special method we developed at ActiveTrail, you can enjoy 100% deliverability. All you have to do is send out your email newsletter, we’ll take care of the rest. No more wasted resources and no more missed clients!

Why is 100% email deliverability so important?

  • Increased campaign effectiveness
  • Better utilization of resources
  • The ability to reach each and every customer personally

These are just a few of the reasons that having 100% deliverability is so important.

If your email isn’t even seen by your client, how can you expect it to bring any results?

How is it done?

Over the years, we have developed and incorporated a number of methods into our system that insure maximum email marketing open rates to our clients. Some of these methods include:

  • Multiple IP addresses for sending emails to your customers list.
  • Automatic removal of clients that have marked your email as spam, to keep your emails off the spam lists.
  • Repeated checks of all the clients on your send list to make sure no problems will arise.
  • An array of tools that prevent email clients from recognizing your emails as spam emails.

email marketing open rates

We are constantly watching out for new technological advances that can be used to keep our email open rates high so that we never drop even one percent below that standard that we have set for ourselves.

Want to be 100% sure?

Join ActiveTrail now and start reaching all your clients today!