It’s Not Rocket Science: 8 Easy Steps to Expand Your Mailing List

Every email marketer knows that long before you come up with newsletter ideas or designs, you must build an extensive, quality mailing list. However, even after you have your mailing list, which consists recipients that requested to sign up and promise not to throw you into their spam folders, your work is not yet done. Mailing lists are dynamic, requiring continuous attention, especially since it is always desirable to tack on more recipients to the list.

Lately, many of our users have turned to us requesting advice on how to lengthen their mailing lists. We have heard your pleas and in response have come up with 8 easy steps that every email marketer can take in order to lengthen those mailing lists.

1. First things first, sign-up forms!

Many sites prefer to keep their sign-up forms at their default position – at the bottom of the home page. Be bold and place your sign-up form at the top of the page, making it stand out in your readers’ eyes, leading to more sign ups.

NY deal sign up form

2. Embed your sign-up form into your pages

.It isn’t enough to present your sign-up form on your blog – try to find as many pages in your site in which you can embed it, including your central pages where you know there is a lot of traffic.

SignUp Form

3. Pop-up sign-up forms

Pop-ups are underrated! Presenting your sign-up form in the form of a pop-up is a great way to expand your mailing list, reminding your readers that they can express their interest by signing up. You can easily design a pop-up sign-up form in the ActiveTrail platform.

Popups on websites

4. Sign-up links in social media

If someone is following your company on any of the social media sites, they are naturally expressing interest in your products or services. You should take advantage of this and suggest that they take your relationship to the next level, by simply adding a link to your sign-up form in your posts.

5. Create an urgency to sign-up

A few days before you intend on sending out a newsletter, create a post on social media websites explaining what the upcoming newsletter will contain, and add a link to your sign-up form. By giving your followers a taste of your newsletter and informing them that it will be sent out soon, those that are truly interested in the content will not hesitate to sign-up!

6. Share your newsletter

Don’t stop at adding a sign-up form to the social media websites – share some of your newsletters as well. This way your followers will see first-hand what you’re offering and why they should sign-up to receive all of your newsletters. You can even share only a tempting portion of your newsletter, enticing your followers to sign up in order to receive the newsletter in its entirety.

Popup sign up

7. Add a sign-up form link in your email

Add a sign-up form link to your signature that appears at the end of your business emails, or better yet, at the end of all of your company’s outgoing emails. Take a second to think about all of the emails that your business sends out to customers, business partners, email providers, etc. Each and every one of them can be a new addition to your mailing list.

8. Collect email addresses at conferences and events

Companies and businesses of all shapes and sizes participate in various conferences on a regular basis. These events provide an excellent platform to meet new people that have never even heard of your business, and to explain to them exactly what your business is all about. Walk around with sign-up forms and a pen, or with a tablet with which people can sign up.

A mailing list that you’re going to love

Treat your mailing list as if it were a business partner: take advantage of what it offers, but don’t forget to appreciate it and to continuously cultivate it. Constantly pay attention to your campaign results, filtering out those recipients that never participate, and of course, adding new recipients that show interest. You’ll have a quality mailing list in no time!


Additional reading: Keep your guard with your email marketing lists- this is how you can do it.

We at ActiveTrail are with you every step of the way. Sign up today.